A Better Way to Plan for Volatile Markets – Essential Returns Objectives (ERO)

If you’re a Financial Advisor or Investment firm, you have one primary goal:

To provide strategic investment guidance to your clients so they can meet their financial goals while positioning your firm to minimize risk and achieve its goals.

When this is achieved, your firm grows its profitability, client base, and Assets Under Management (AUM).

The challenge today for Financial Advisors

Many ‘Robo Advisors’ and Financial Advisors today use outdated risk profiles to funnel clients into static and generic one-size-fits-all portfolios. However, the financial market is evolving, and client demands are increasing.

To remain competitive, profitable and valuable to your prospects, your financial firm must be able to adapt to offer a more personalized service and greater levels of portfolio customization focused around achieving their actual lifestyle and wealth goals.

One way to address this is by applying the scientific principles of post modern portfolio theory (pmpt) and strategic asset allocation to ensure you’re continuing to deliver successful returns.

However, this requires a lot more time and resources to achieve, which presents a growing challenge for today’s financial advisors.

Fortunately, advanced technology now exists to quickly solve this problem.

Introducing ERO: Powerful Post Modern Portfolio Theory Asset Allocation

ERO intelligently provides financial firms with an intuitive digital platform that is powered by Nobel Prize-winning research to build tactical investment strategies based on your clients’ individual goals and wealth targets.

ERO allows you to focus on what matters most to your clients and then build dynamic asset allocation models easily around this.

In the past, it was very time consuming and costly to customize an individual portfolio model for every client – even if it produced the best result.

Now, using ERO’s technology, you can quickly use ERO as a strategic investment solution to build dynamic asset allocation models efficiently.

Whether investment clients are looking to retire, pay off their mortgage, give to charity or generate wealth, ERO’s goal-based approach offers an elevated experience for clients and a far more accurate investment strategy path for Financial Advisors.

The 4 Benefits of ERO for a Financial Advisor

1. Increase productivity by building faster, more accurate portfolios

2. Attract and retain clients by providing superior investment solutions

3. Increase revenue, reduce costs and save time

4. Improved results that build trust and accelerate asset accumulation (AUM)

Achieving the Financial Advisor’s ultimate goal

The ERO platform statistically verifies when active managers add value to a passive portfolio which eliminates style drift and forecasts the returns of Mutual Funds and ETFs.

This enables financial firms to develop tactical asset allocation strategies to meet or even exceed the return needed by clients to achieve their financial and lifestyle goals.

Watch this video to learn more about how ERO is helping financial firms effectively meet the evolving financial landscape.

Want to learn more about ERO?

For more information, contact us directly here or call us (949) 481 5051.